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Investigações sobre ataques à democracia
Conjunto de 60 mandados de prisão expedidos pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ) contra 60 pessoas dentre os muitos investigados, réus e condenados por ataques sucessivos à democracia depois da derrota de Jair Bolsonaro (PL) nas eleições de 2022.
60 documents
Lula favorece cidades de aliados com R$ 1,4 bilhão
Reportagem mostra que Lula favoreceu seis cidades governadas pelo PT ou aliados com R$ 1,4 bi, desde a sua posse em 2023. Repasses ocorreram sem aval da área técnica ou justificativas detalhadas, e com pedido de "prioridade" escrito à mão.
27 documents
दैनिक जागरण (Dainik Jagran)
Mission Mausam
सरकार ने ‘मिशन मौसम’ के लिए 2,000 करोड़ रुपए का बजट रखा है। इस मिशन का मुख्य लक्ष्य भारत के मौसम विभाग को अपग्रेड करने का है ताकि देश में मौसम की सटीक भविष्यवाणियां की जा सकें। इतना ही नहीं ये सरकार को आपदा के आने से पहले तैयार होने और उसके बाद जनजीव
12 documents
Expediente Cabezas
Una colección de documentos del expediente de la investigación judicial por el asesinato de José Luis Cabezas, junto con material periodístico de la época. Incluye declaraciones de Alfredo Yabrán y otros imputados ante la justicia.
97 documents
The Times of India
Border-Gavaskar Trophy:A modern-day cricket rivalry rivaling The Ashes
The Border-Gavaskar Trophy, contested between India and Australia since 1996, has evolved into one of cricket's fiercest modern rivalries. With 56 Tests played, India lead with 24 wins to Australia's 20, and 12 draws.
10 documents
Kleine Zeitung
Hochwasser im Süden Österreichs
Der Klimawandel hinterlässt seine Spuren: Wie das Jahrhunderthochwasser auch in der Steiermark und Kärnten für katastrophale Zustände sorgte.
28 documents
The Times of India
Israel-Hezbollah conflict in 10 points
Israel-Hezbollah conflict has escalated significantly, with numerous incidents fueling rising tensions across Middle East. Here are 10 data points:
10 documents
Caso Fontevecchia-D'Amico - CIDH
Expediente del caso ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos por la demanda que le inició Carlos Menem a la Revista Noticias, su fundador Jorge Fontevecchia y su director Héctor D'Amico por la investigación sobre su hijo extramatrimonial.
33 documents
Crisis 2001: decadencia y caída de la Argentina
Reviví la mayor crisis económica de la Argentina a través de las páginas de Revista Noticias en una serie de documentos exclusivos del archivo de Editorial Perfil, desde el triunfo de De La Rúa al ocaso del gobierno.
107 documents
Bezrobocie w Polsce od czasów pandemii
Analiza raportów publikowanych przez Ministerstwo Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej w zakresie bezrobocia praz wolnych miejsc pracy i aktywizacji zawodowej według grup wielkich zawodów i specjalności.
11 documents
Band Jornalismo
Morte causada por fake news em Guarujá em 2004
Fabiane Maria de Jesus foi morta após moradores da comunidade de Morrinhos, no litoral de São Paulo, a confundirem com bruxa sequestradora de crianças
10 documents
České noviny
Sportovní dotace
Dokumenty využité při tvorbě profilů a dalšího zpravodajství o dotacích do sportu v České republice.
22 documents
České noviny
Ročenky ministerstva obrany
Souhrnný přehled ročenek Ministerstva obrany ČR využitý při zpravodajství k proměnám české armády během 25 let od vstupu do NATO.
14 documents
Reliance Industries AGM 2024
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) held its 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, August 29, 2024, showcasing the company's latest technological advancements and future plans. Chairman & Managing Director Mukesh Ambani addressed shareholders.
11 documents
Interrupción voluntaria del embarazo
Una serie de informes que revelan el impacto positivo de la Ley 27.610 de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en Argentina.
21 documents
El litio argentino
El litio es un metal que tiene una gran demanda en el mundo por sus aplicaciones en la industria tecnológica, especialmente en la fabricación de baterías para vehículos eléctricos y dispositivos móviles.
15 documents
ESMA, Patrimonio de la Humanidad
La ESMA, la ex Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada, fue el mayor centro clandestino de detención, tortura y exterminio de la última dictadura cívico-militar en Argentina.
14 documents
Atentado a CFK
El 1 de septiembre de 2022, alrededor de las 21, la imagen de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner con un arma apuntándole a la cabeza se extendió por todo el país y, en pocos minutos, por el mundo.
12 documents
Hindustan Times
iPhone 16 frenzy in India: Fans celebrate Apple's latest release
Apple unveiled the iPhone 16 series on September 9. The iPhone 16 frenzy, like it happens during every iPhone launch, swept almost every India city, with eager buyers lining up outside stores for hours and others, placing pre-orders online.
10 documents
Bloqueio do X: documentos, decisões oficiais e bastidores
Uma das redes sociais mais acessadas no Brasil, com mais de 20 milhões de usuários, o X foi suspenso após decisão do STF. Coleção reúne ofícios e apuração exclusiva de VEJA sobre um caso que amplia tensões entre poderes da República
114 documents
VEJA em Paris: cobertura especial sobre o Brasil olímpico
Com mais de 400 artigos publicados e enviados especiais, VEJA acompanhou os bastidores da participação brasileira na Olimpíada de 2024. Coleção reúne documentos, reportagens e produção exclusiva
136 documents
Política econômica de Lula e atritos com o Banco Central
O governo Lula 3 é marcado por tensões com o BC. Coleção reúne atas do Copom, relatórios de inflação, tabelas, documentos oficiais e bastidores econômicos apurados por VEJA
176 documents
Jogo duplo: os áudios exclusivos de Mauro Cid
Reportagem exclusiva de VEJA revelou áudios que resultaram na prisão do ex-ajudante de ordens de Bolsonaro. Coleção reúne os áudios, além de documentos especiais e a cobertura dos bastidores políticos do caso
111 documents
दैनिक जागरण (Dainik Jagran)
नियामक के राडार पर एसएमई आईपीओ
एसएमई आईपीओ में बीते 2-3 वर्षों में तेजी के बीच कुछ प्रमोटर व इन्वेस्टमेंट बैंकर्स मिल कर इसमें मैनुपुलेशन करने लगे हैं। मामला सामने आने के बाद सेबी ने जांच और कार्रवाई शुरू की है। स्टॉक एक्सचेंजों ने भी नियमों को सख्त किया है।
12 documents
Te Huia train trial
Train service between Hamilton and Auckland, New Zealand.
22 documents
Securitatea - Communist Romania's body of repression - part 7 & 8
Persecution files made public by the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives shows how the individuals suspected of being hostile to the regime were treated, humiliated and persecuted for decades. Follow this docuseries.
13 documents
Securitatea - Communist Romania's body of repression - part 5 & 6
Persecution files made public by the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives shows how the individuals suspected of being hostile to the regime were treated, humiliated and persecuted for decades. Follow this docuseries.
13 documents
Securitatea - Communist Romania's body of repression - part 3 & 4
Persecution files made public by the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives shows how the individuals suspected of being hostile to the regime were treated, humiliated and persecuted for decades. Follow this docuseries.
13 documents
Securitatea - Communist Romania's body of repression - part 2
Persecution files made public by the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives shows how the individuals suspected of being hostile to the regime were treated, humiliated and persecuted for decades. Follow this docuseries.
11 documents
Securitatea - Communist Romania's body of repression - part 1
Persecution files made public by the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives shows how the individuals suspected of being hostile to the regime were treated, humiliated and persecuted for decades. Follow this docuseries.
10 documents
Casos de éxito económico por el mundo: países y emprendedores
De proyectos nacionales a emprendedores argentinos en cada rincón del planeta. Contenido exclusivo. Las piezas premium, a fondo y exclusivas de LA NACION, investigando y conociendo ejemplos de crecimiento económico.
101 documents
Detrás de escena de la política en Argentina
2023 y 2024, dos años en la intimidad dela política argentina. Las piezas premium, a fondo y exclusivas de LA NACION cubriendo el final del gobierno de Fernández y el inicio del mandato de Javier Milei.
102 documents
Crisis del transporte terrestre y aerocomercial en Argentina
Infografías, transcripción de video-análisis, documentos oficiales, imágenes y publicaciones de la crisis del transporte en la Argentina en los últimos años, tanto terrestre como aerocomercial (Aerolíneas Argentinas, caso testigo).
101 documents
Investigación Caso Loan: desaparición del niño Loan Peña
Documentos oficiales, videos, audios, imágenes y publicaciones del caso
100 documents
Economic Times
India's New Space Missions
Following the success of Chandrayaan-3, the Union Cabinet has approved the Chandrayaan-4 mission. Additionally, the government has greenlit the Venus Orbiter Mission. Indian Space Station project has also been approved.
10 documents
Economic Times
One Nation One Election
The Union Cabinet has accepted former President Ramnath Kovind's 'One Nation, One Election' report. Supporters argue that joint polls could save money, reduce election-related disruptions, and enhance voter turnout. However, critics raise concerns.
13 documents
Economic Times
Modi 3.O: 100 Days
The Narendra Modi government has reached the 100-day milestone of its third term, which also coincides with the PM's birthday. A key highlight of this period is the increase in 'Lakhpati Didis', and sanctioning of Rs 15 lakh crore projects.
11 documents
Economic Times
Inflation in FY2024-25
In August, India experienced a drop in both wholesale and retail inflation rates. Wholesale inflation fell to 1.31%, a four-month low. Simultaneously, retail inflation also saw a reduction, dropping to 3.65% in August from a five-year low of 3.54%.
10 documents
70 साल के बुजुर्गों को मिलेगा मुफ्त इलाज, कैसे बनवाएं आयुष्मान कार्ड
कैसी भी सामाजिक-आर्थिक स्थिति वाले 70 वर्ष और उससे अधिक उम्र के बुजुर्गों को AB PM-JAY का लाभ ले सकेंगे। इसके लिए नए कार्ड जारी किए जाएंगे।
15 documents
Band Jornalismo
Caso do carateca de Santos
Com pena de 14 anos já cumprida, Cláudio Gonçalves assassinou, esquartejou e espalhou o corpo da mulher pelas ruas de Santos, no litoral paulista, 24 anos atrás.
13 documents
Stadtentwicklungsprojekt Heumarkt in Wien
Sammlung von Rechercheunterlagen, Gutachten, Gerichtserkenntnisse, Grafiken und Renderings sowie Artikel zum seit Jahren vieldiskutierten Bauvorhaben "Heumarkt" inklusive eines Hochhausprojekts inmitten der Wiener Unesco-Welterbezone (September 2024)
48 documents
Economic Times
India at Paralympics 2024
India's para-athletes created history at the Paris Paralympic Games, winning a total of 29 medals, including seven gold. The event saw record-breaking performances and notable contributions, especially from female athletes.
11 documents
The state liquidator sold Quaestor's ex-leader's house
The National Reorganization Nonprofit Ltd. auctioned former Quaestor CEO Csaba Tarsoly’s Buda residence three times, but it was sold after the process ended in a separate agreement. The buyer is responsible for taking possession of the property.
10 documents
Economic Times
Modi 3.0's Foreign Trips
PM Narendra Modi has been actively engaging in foreign diplomacy since June 2024, marking his third term with visits to Italy, Russia, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, Brunei and Singapore.
14 documents
Economic Times
Car Sales Slowdown
India's car makers are concerned about slow sales and uncertain consumer spending ahead of the festive season, fearing that deeper discounts may further erode profit margins. In August, car sales at dealerships fell by 4.5%.
10 documents
Le Figaro
Classement : achetez un pied-à-terre à la campagne dans le Sud-Ouest
EXCLUSIF - Loisirs, tourisme, immobilier, commerces, environnement, climat, fiscalité… Nous avons comparé 1300 communes au cœur du Sud-Ouest français pour vous aider à dénicher un lieu de vie paisible à la campagne.
102 documents
Airbus leader aéronautique
Airbus, constructeur aéronautique européen, est basé à Toulouse où se trouve une grande majorité des chaînes d'assemblage de ses avions. Le groupe est leader mondial du secteur devant Boeing.
300 documents
Dokumenty - poufna_rozmowa 2023-2024
597 documents
The problematic document that was signed by Óbuda's arrested Mayor.
László Kiss provided a registered office at his home for a company linked to a person who received large contracts from the Óbuda municipality after Kiss became mayor. He was arrested for 30 days last week but can stay mayor unless absent for a year.
13 documents
दैनिक जागरण (Dainik Jagran)
स्वाधीनता के बाद से ही बांग्लादेश के प्रारंभिक वर्ष राजनीतिक अस्थिरता से भरे थे। देश में 13 शासक आए और 4 सैन्य बगावतें हुई। हाल के प्रदर्शनों ने वैश्विक पटल पर बांग्लादेश की अस्थिर राष्ट्र की छवि को उकेर दिया।
12 documents
Economic Times
Union Cabinet Decisions
The Union Cabinet has made several announcements within one week to boost the agriculture sector, food security, smart industrial cities, and new railway lines and corridors. Here are the key decisions.
11 documents
Economic Times
GST Collection Analysis
India's Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenue for August 2024 marked a yearly growth of 10%, despite a month-on-month decline from July. Here are highlights of the overall growth in tax revenue over the months.
11 documents
The Times of India
UPS vs NPS: Understanding The Two Schemes
The Cabinet has approved a new Unified Pension Scheme or UPS for central government employees. The new scheme will be effective from April 1, 2025. Central government employees have the option to choose between NPS and UPS.
10 documents
Auto sales data for July 2024
The Indian auto companies, including 4-wheeler, 2-weeler and commercial segments, report their monthly sales data at the start of every month. During August 1-2, all major auto players reported the numbers. This is helpful to track firms' performance
12 documents
The Times of India
Kamala vs Trump: All you need to know about them
What are the policies and promises of the two front-runners -- Kamala and Trump -- in the race for the White House.
10 documents
The Times of India
Understanding Mpox as global health challenge
Mpox is an infectious disease caused by (MPXV) virus. The disease is looked at with concern by global authorities. While MVA-BN vaccine is available since 2022 and India having its own Mpox detection RT-PCR, do we have enough arsenal to tackle it?
13 documents
The Times of India
Budget 2024 & Economic Survey: Everything You Want To Know
Budget 2024 for the financial year 2024-25 was presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in July. Below is a list of all important documents and videos on Budget 2024 and the Economic Survey.
11 documents
Economic Times
The govt has introduced the Unified Pension Scheme (UPS), effective from next year. UPS offers an assured pension of 50% of the basic salary and will be the 3rd pension scheme offered by the govt, alongside OPS and NPS. Here is a brief comparison.
12 documents
The Times of India
J&K, Haryana assembly elections
Staggered over just 3 phases, the upcoming elections in J&K is perhaps the shortest in several decades, with polling to be conducted over a 14-day period. Haryana will see a single-day polling. Counting for both J&K and Haryana will be held on Oct 4.
10 documents
NBT नवभारत टाइम्स (Navbharat Times)
Euthanasia rules in the world
भारत में लंबे समय के विचार-मंथन के बाद सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने 2018 में निष्क्रिय इच्छा मृत्यु की इजाजत दे दी। खास परिस्थितियों से जूझ रहे किसी इंसान के लिए मृत्यु का रास्ता तैयार करने को दुनिया में अलग-अलग नाम दिए गए हैं।
14 documents
Mapa najbogatszych Polaków
Dane pozyskane od 16 izb administracji skarbowej. Dotyczą podatników, którzy w 2023 r. wykazali przynajmniej milion złotych dochodów w deklaracji podatkowej. Dane pozwoliły pokazać najzamożniejsze regiony i miasta kraju.
16 documents
NBT नवभारत टाइम्स (Navbharat Times)
Sub-Classification in SC/ST
देश के उच्चतम न्यायालय ने राज्यों को अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) और अनुसूचित जनजाति (एसटी) की जातियों में उपवर्गीकरण का आधिकार दिया। इस पर हाशिये के लोगों की राजनीति करने के कथित दावेदार नेताओं ने मोदी सरकार को खूब खरी-खोटी सुनाई।
15 documents
NBT नवभारत टाइम्स (Navbharat Times)
Indian Parliament Rules
पंजाब के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री और कांग्रेस पार्टी के लोकसभा सांसद चरणजीत सिंह चन्नी ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के खिलाफ विशेषाधिकार हनन का नोटिस दिया। चन्नी ने लोकसभा अध्यक्ष ओम बिरला से पीएम मोदी की शिकायत की।
27 documents
Band Jornalismo
Maioria dos desembargadores do TJSP ganha mais que ministros do STF
Jornalismo da Band consultou as folhas de pagamento do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo do ano de 2023. E nessa consulta, feita pelo Painel de Remuneração do CNJ, constatou que diversos desembargadores receberam mais do que os ministros do STF.
13 documents
NBT नवभारत टाइम्स (Navbharat Times)
Hindenburg Report On SEBI
अमेरिकी शॉर्ट सेलिंग कंपनी हिंडनबर्ग रिसर्च ने भारत पर आधारित अपनी दूसरी रिपोर्ट जारी की। इस रिपोर्ट में उसने भारतीय प्रतिभूति एवं विनिमय बोर्ड (SEBI) की चेयरपर्सन माधबी पुरी बुच पर उद्योगपति गौतम अडानी का पक्ष लेने का आरोप लगाया।
12 documents
The Times of India
T20 World Cup: India end 11-year ICC trophy drought
Team India has ended its 11-year ICC trophy drought by winning the T20 World Cup 2024. In a thrilling final, India defeated South Africa to lift the trophy, bringing an end to a long wait for an ICC title.
10 documents
NBT नवभारत टाइम्स (Navbharat Times)
NAC Under Sonia Gandhi
विपक्ष ने लेटरल एंट्री में आरक्षण प्रक्रिया का पालन नहीं करने का मुद्दा उठाया था। इस पर सत्ता पक्ष का कहना है कि मनमोहन सरकार में लेटरल एंट्री से राष्ट्रीय सलाहकार परिषद (NAC) के सदस्यों को पद दिए गए थे।
13 documents
NBT नवभारत टाइम्स (Navbharat Times)
Rape Incidents In India
कोलकाता में एक ट्रेनी डॉक्टर का बर्बरता से रेप के बाद उसकी निर्मम हत्या ने पूर देश में आक्रोश की लहर पैदा कर दी है। इस खौफनाक वारदात ने 16 दिसंबर, 2012 को राजधानी दिल्ली में हुए निर्भया कांड की याद दिला दी है।
32 documents
चांद पर 1 साल से है हमारा तीसरा चंद्रयान, कैसे हैं विक्रम और प्रज्ञान
चंद्रयान-3 को चंद्रयान-2 का फॉलो ऑन मिशन कहा गया था। ISRO के तत्कालीन अध्यक्ष के सिवन चंद्रयान-2 की अगुवाई कर रहे थे, लेकिन कुछ तकनीकी परेशानी के चलते भारत तब लैंडिंग से चूक गया था। चंद्रयान-3 में एक लैंडर (विक्रम) और एक रोवर (प्रज्ञान) शामिल थे।
21 documents
PCAOB Inspections
PCAOB Inspections Reports
81 documents
Wrapped BTC
August 20, 2024 proof of assets for wrapped bitcoin
10 documents
Band Jornalismo
Documentos da FAB mostram relatos de pilotos brasileiros sobre óvnis
A FAB tornou públicos relatos sobre óvnis avistados no ano passado no país. São os mais recentes registros de um fenômeno que acontece há bastante tempo, e já mobilizou até caças da Aeronáutica.
15 documents
The Times of India
India at Paris Olympics: Highlights
Indian fans were left with mixed feelings after the Paris Olympics, with a return of six medals. However, comparing India's performance in the past Summer Games, there was hope with six fourth-place finishes and Vinesh Phogat's disqualification.
10 documents
The Times of India
MPs' Q&A: Highlights of issues raised by members in LS, RS
Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha registered significant productivity in Budget session of Parliament. Lower House utilized 123% of its allocated time, Rajya Sabha functioned for 110%. Throughout the session, members raised numerous questions on various issues.
10 documents
Migracja szlakiem wschodnim - Soczewka Pisma
These are the sources - mostly statistical & photographs taken by the author - for the reportage at large about the Eastern migratory route, which leads from Africa and Middle East via Belarus and Russia to Poland and further European countries.
73 documents
Hindustan Times
India at Paris 2024 Olympics: Highlights
India got six medals at Paris Olympics. Shooter Manu Bhaker clinched two bronze medals; one in individual and the other with Sarabjot Singh. Aman Sehrawat and Swapnil Kusale got a bronze each. Neeraj Chopra got silver. Men's hockey team got a bronze.
10 documents
Gazeta do Povo
Twitter Files Brasil
Comunicações internas do departamento jurídico do Twitter entre 2020 e 2022 mostram que autoridades brasileiras buscaram coletar dados em massa de cidadãos usuários da rede social para fins de censura.
44 documents
Oprávnenosť odstrelov problémových jedincov medveďa hnedého
Zbierka obsahuje dokumentáciu k viacerým prípadom odstrelov medveďa hnedého, ktoré vyvolávajú pochybnosti o oprávnenosti týchto odstrelov. Obsahuje aj evidenciu hlásení o výskyte medveďa za rok 2024.
14 documents
The New York Times
Wildlife Protections Take a Back Seat to SpaceX’s Ambitions
Documents related to "Wildlife Protections Take a Back Seat to SpaceX’s Ambitions"
36 documents
Actas de escrutinio - elección presidencial 2024 - Venezuela
Actas recogidas por la Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (oposición) con los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales por mesa de votación. Obtenidas por Cazadores de Fake News ( en el marco de #LaHoraDeVenezuela.
25,073 documents
The Filipino guest workers accommodated at the hotel in Hajdúszoboszló
In an office in Kelenföld, two profitable business sectors converge: the accommodation of guest workers from the Far East and the aggressive selling of so-called health-preserving gadgets to pensioners.
14 documents
Estado de Minas
Jetons secretários do governador Zema
Na mira do TCU, jetons a atuais secretários de Zema custaram R$ 2,3 milhões A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
26 documents
मलबा बनते मंदिर, बचे घरों के अवशेष; हिंदुओं के लिए नरक होता बांग्लादेश
बांग्लादेश के बड़ी अंग्रेजी न्यूज वेबसाइट द डेली स्टार पर बुधवार को एक खबर प्रकाशित हुई है, जिसका शीर्षक है 'Attacks on Hindu houses, temples, businesses go on' यानी हिंदुओं के घरों और प्रतिष्ठानों पर हमले जारी हैं।
13 documents
Band Jornalismo
Entre 1989 e 2003, o mecânico Francisco das Chagas matou 42 meninos, dos quais muitos foram emasculados, que moravam nas periferias do Pará e do Maranhão. Veja os documentos do caso.
10 documents
El Litoral
Reforma de la Constitución de 1994 - La cobertura día por día
La cobertura día por día de El Litoral durante el tiempo que duró la convención constituyente reunida en Santa Fe en 1994, la cual derivó en la actual Constitución Nacional.
53 documents
The New York Times
International Seabed Authority Leadership
Documents related to "Fight Over Seabed Agency Leadership Turns Nasty"
8 documents
Explosion de l'usine AZF à Toulouse
L'explosion de l'usine chimique AZF à Toulouse, le 21 septembre 2001 à 10h17, est l'une des plus grandes catastrophes industrielles survenues en France. 31 personnes sont mortes et environ 2 500 ont été blessées dont certaines gravement.
256 documents
Kleine Zeitung
Flughafen Klagenfurt
Die Rückverstaatlichung des Flughafen Klagenfurt beschäftigt das Land Kärnten über Jahre.
13 documents
Union Budget 2024: Key Takeaways
FM Sitharaman presented the Budget 2024 on 23 July. It marked the beginning of the government's third term and outlined a vision for a 'Viksit Bharat'. She also announced an outlay of Rs 2 lakh crore for job creation schemes over the next five years.
12 documents
केरल में हाहाकार, 6 साल में 714 लोग मरे; वायनाड में क्यों हुआ भूस्खलन
केरल के वायनाड में मंगलवार को हुए भूस्खलन में 143 मौतें हो चुकी हैं। आशंका है कि ये आंकड़ा अभी और बढ़ सकता है। फिलहाल, सेना, NDRF की तरप से राज्य में राहत और बचाव कार्य जारी है। बीते 6 सालों में केरल में प्राकृतिक आपदाएं 696 लोगों की जान ले चुकी है।
10 documents
दैनिक जागरण (Dainik Jagran)
Budget 2024: Jobs and Growth Focus
The Union Budget prioritizes job creation and economic growth through investments in labor-intensive industries, infrastructure, and skill development.
14 documents
O Câncer nas Mulheres da Amazônia
O documentário “O Câncer nas mulheres da Amazônia” mostra como a falta de informação, aliada à dificuldade de acesso a exames e tratamentos, faz com que o índice de pessoas afetadas pela doença na área da floresta seja o maior do país.
11 documents
Farra das ONGs
Dados que sustentaram a série de reportagens A Farra das ONGs: recursos de emendas parlamentares repassados por ONGs a empresas, com suspeitas de desvios de recursos.
23 documents
SBT News
Postagens de Jair Bolsonaro durante a presidência
Tabelas com o conteúdo de todas as postagens de Jair Bolsonaro no exercício da presidência da República no período de 01 de janeiro de 2019 a 31 de dezembro de 2022. As postagens são no Instagram, no Facebook e no X.
21 documents
Hindustan Times
India Budget 2024 Highlights
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented Union Budget 2024 in Parliament. She announced income tax relief for the middle class, a Rs 2 lakh crore outlay for job creation schemes over the next 5 years and a spending splurge for several states.
11 documents
Estado de Minas
Veredas mortas - a degradação no sertão de Guimarães Rosa
A série especial "Veredas mortas" alerta sobre a degradação do cerrado em Minas Gerais. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
37 documents
Grice Connect
City of Statesboro Council Meetings
Statesboro City Council meeting agenda and supporting documents.
1 document
Grice Connect
Bulloch County Commission Meetings
Bulloch County Board of Commission meeting agenda and supporting documents.
1 document
El Litoral
Reforma de la Constitución de 1994 - Tapas históricas de El Litoral
Un compendio de las tapas de El Litoral publicadas durante el tiempo que duró la convención constituyente reunida en Santa Fe en 1994, la cual derivó en la actual Constitución Nacional.
21 documents
Grice Connect
Bulloch County BOE 7/11/24 Meeting
Bulloch County Board of Education meeting - July 11, 2024
31 documents
Wrobieni w krem, czyli (prawie) cała prawda o branży urody
These are the sources for the reporter at-large piece exposing the marketing manipulations of cosmetics producers who, by distorting feminist slogans, encourage women to buy "new" and "better" products.
12 documents
Przemyt ludzi all inclusive - reportaż
These are the sources for the reportage investigating international human trafficking and global migration routes, using Polish visas to ship migrants from several countries (incl. Georgia, focus of this research) via Mexico to USA.
54 documents
Band Jornalismo
Porto Alegre foi alertada em 2018 e 2023 sobre possíveis enchentes
10 documents
Band Jornalismo
Obras da Copa do Mundo no Brasil: saiba o que nunca saiu do papel
54 documents
Estado de Minas
Trabalho Análogo à Escravidão em Minas (2018 a 2023)
Regiões agrícolas têm maior número de pessoas resgatadas em situação degradante de trabalho. Juntas elas têm 68 ocorrências. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
1 document
Estado de Minas
Emendas Parlamentares de MG (2019-2022)
Bancada mineira iniciou o 2º sem. de 2023 com 73% das emendas individuais impositivas empenhadas pelo gov. federal. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
73 documents
Estado de Minas
Ruas e avenidas de BH com mais acidentes
Motivos que levaram BH a perder 1.372 vidas no trânsito em 10 anos. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
2 documents
Afera mailowa - "Poufna rozmowa" part II
Documents relating to the "Email Scandal". Part two.
664 documents
Afera mailowa - "Poufna rozmowa" part I
Documents relating to the "Email Scandal".
1,569 documents
The Associated Press
Hawaii Attorney General Investigation into 2023 Maui wildfires
Hawaii Attorney General Anne Lopez on April 17 released the first of a series of reports outlining her office's investigation into the wildfires that devastated the island of Maui in August of 2023.
88 documents
30 mln na salę koncertową, która nie działa
The Ministry of Culture, under the Law and Justice government, tried to pull the EU to put up a concert hall for a Warsaw music school. Eight years after the decision to build it, the hall, though it has already cost 30 million zlotys, is unfinished.
22 documents
Jak stryj Sebastiana Kalety dorobił się na publicznych przetargach
The companies of Boguslaw Kaleta, uncle of the deputy minister of justice, are outclassing the competition in road construction contests in Chełm County. His associates have been suspected of corruption for two years.
17 documents
Minister Szwed rozdał 1,8 mln zł na seniorów w swoim okręgu wyborczym
A day before the publication of the results of the Active+ competition, the Family Ministry is changing the regulations. This allows Deputy Minister Stanislaw Szwed to distribute as much as a quarter of the money at his discretion.
3 documents
Rydzyk, Sakiewicz, Srebrna. Do kogo płyną miliony z budżetu UE
Tadeusz Rydzyk's foundation, Tomasz Sakiewicz's company, the Karnowski brothers' company and a shoal of unknown firemanships - a stream of money from the EU budget is flowing to friends of the Law and Justice government.
4 documents
Nieruchomości posła Poręby
Tomasz Poręba, prominent PiS politician, invested millions in luxury apartments on Croatia's Korčula island. These transactions, worth over 3.3 million PLN, were not fully disclosed in his financial statements, raising questions about transparency.
9 documents
A Pandemia da Obesidade
O documentário “A pandemia da obesidade” mostra os motivos que levaram o mundo a ter tem mais de 1 bilhão de obesos, segundo a OMS. Muitos deles estão no Brasil, onde a doença atinge níveis maiores do que a média global em todas as faixas etárias.
12 documents
Estado de Minas
Salários dos servidores de Minas Gerais
Do mínimo a mais de R$ 22,5 mil: o abismo salarial no Executivo. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
4 documents
Estado de Minas
Emendas parlamentares de Minas Gerais para ONGs
ONGs dominam preferência em emendas de deputados estaduais mineiros. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
5 documents
Estado de Minas
Mudanças climáticas em Minas Gerais
Mudanças climáticas fazem temperatura de cidades mineiras subir 1,1ºC A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
8 documents
Estado de Minas
Cidades de Minas Gerais sob risco de desastres ambientais
Um terço de Minas está sob a ameaça de desastres. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
5 documents
Vanguardia MX
IAVenturas | Infancias cuentan historias con inteligencia artificial
Este proyecto ayuda a que niños y niñas aprendan a contar historias, se enamoren de la ficción y vean a las nuevas tecnologías como herramientas creativas.
183 documents
Vanguardia MX
Peatones olvidados en Saltillo
Información sobre la vulnerabilidad en la que se encuentran los peatones en Saltillo, donde por sobre las muertes y lesiones, se privilegia a los vehículos motorizados, totalmente en contra de lo que indica la pirámide de movilidad.
456 documents
Vanguardia MX
Semanario Vanguardia
El Semanario de Vanguardia se ha caracterizado por su periodismo de investigación en los últimos 15 años, sin embargo también ha sido clave en ala vida cultural y política de Coahuila.
3,940 documents
Vanguardia MX
Boletines de candidatos 2024 Coahuila
Información recopilada de los boletines de prensa y material de propaganda de los candidatos a la alcaldía en Saltillo, candidatos a diputados y senadores federales, así como a la presidencia de la república.
268 documents
Vanguardia MX
Sentencias ejecutorias de Saltillo
Estos documentos se encuentran resguardados de forma física en el Archivo Municipal de Saltillo. Las sentencias ejecutorias pertenecen a los años 1800 e inicios de 1900, relacionadas a los crímenes juzgados en la ciudad.
390 documents
Feminicídio, Até Quando?
O documentário “Feminicídio, até quando?” tenta desvendar os motivos pelos quais tantas mulheres são mortas no Brasil. De acordo com o Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, entre 2015 e 2023, foram registrados 10.655 feminicídios no país.
13 documents
Exilados pelo clima na Amazônia
O documentário “Exilados pelo clima na Amazônia” mostra como as mudanças climáticas têm afetado quem vive na maior floresta tropical do mundo. Seca extrema e cheias mais frequentes obrigam milhares de pessoas a deixarem suas casas para sempre.
12 documents
Estado de Minas
Causas de acidentes em Minas Gerais (rodovias - PRF)
Dados da PRF (2019 a 2023) mostram principais causas de acidentes por problemas nas rodovias. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
331 documents
Affaire Merah 2/2
Mohammed Merah a commis des attentats terroristes islamistes à Toulouse et Montauban, les 11, 15 et 19 mars 2012, contre des militaires et à l’école juive Ozar Hatorah. Sept personnes ont été tuées au total dont trois jeunes enfants.
618 documents
Affaire Merah 1/2
Mohammed Merah a commis des attentats terroristes islamistes à Toulouse et Montauban, les 11, 15 et 19 mars 2012, contre des militaires et à l’école juive Ozar Hatorah. Sept personnes ont été tuées au total dont trois jeunes enfants.
479 documents
PPC Land
Google's Antitrust
3 documents
CNN Brasil
Melhores exercícios segundo influenciadores fitness
Levantamento da CNN reúne 18 vídeos dos maiores influenciadores fitness do Brasil no YouTube. Conteúdos trazem dicas de exercícios para emagrecer, perder barriga e aumentar massa muscular nos glúteos, braços e peitoral
18 documents
Projekt verkehrsberuhigte Wiener Innenstadt
Für eine Einfahrtsbeschränkung mit Videoüberwachung ist eine Änderung der Straßenverkehrsordnung (StVO) notwendig. Seit Jahren wird um eine politische Lösung gekämpft. Gutachten, Machbarkeitsstudien, Stellungnahmen, Grafiken und Artikel (Juni 2024)
14 documents
Gazeta do Povo
Compras sem licitação Secretarias de estado da Segurança Pública
Estados destinaram em 2023 quase R$ 1 bilhão em compras sem licitação, com dispensa ou inexigibilidade na segurança pública. Parte corresponde a itens de tecnologia e informática, superando aquisições como armas, munições e equipamentos de proteção
932 documents
The Associated Press
India's Shrimp Industry
This collection contains documents related to an investigation from the Corporate Accountability Lab that prompted a trip by The Associated Press in February to document working conditions in India's shrimp industry. Read more:
55 documents
The Associated Press
Antitrust lawsuit against Ticketmaster and Live Nation
This collection contains Live Nation Entertainment's annual and quarterly filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission which show aspects of the company's growth since 2006.
98 documents
The Associated Press
United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties
This collection contains documents from the 28th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) where countries gather to strengthen commitments to address climate change. It also contains lists of participants dating back to 1995.
53 documents
Gazeta do Povo
Discursos da oposição ao governo Lula na Câmara
Reúne discursos de deputados do Partido Liberal (PL), da oposição ao governo Lula, entre janeiro de 2023 e fevereiro de 2024
3,273 documents
Te Awamutu waste to energy plant
Documents about a proposed waste to energy plant in Te Awamutu, Waikato, New Zealand. The project is proposed by Global Contracting Solutions Limited (GCSL) and has been called Paewira.
45 documents
Hamilton City Council (NZ) full council agendas 2023-2024
Local authority agendas for Hamilton City, Waikato, New Zealand.
23 documents
Matamata-Piako District Council (NZ) full council agendas 2023/2024
Council agendas for the Matamata-Piako District, New Zealand.
42 documents
USDC attestation reports by Deloitte
5 documents
Tether attestation reports by BDO
8 documents
USDP attestation reports by Withum
13 documents
Cerrado Sob Ameaça
O documentário “Cerrado Sob Ameaça”, do Repórter Record Investigação, fala sobre o bioma mais ameaçado no país, com metade da vegetação nativa destruída. A degradação contamina as águas, afeta a fauna e causa doenças graves em quem vive na região.
14 documents
Spolupráca slovenských a ruských vedcov po invázii na Ukrajinu
Zbierka obsahuje datasety a dokumenty, ktoré ukazujú, ako sa vyvíjala spolupráca slovenských a ruských vedcov po roku 2022. Zahŕňa prehľad spoločných publikácií a inštitucionálnych partnerstiev, zmluvy o mobilitách Erazmus+ a ďalšie.
13 documents
Gazeta do Povo
Teses acadêmicas 2022
Esta coleção inclui 2.000 dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado publicadas em 2022.
2,000 documents
Gazeta do Povo
Teses acadêmicas 2023
Esta coleção inclui 5.000 dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado publicadas em 2023.
5,000 documents
Dostavba dálnice D1
Ředitelství silnic a dálnic zahájilo v roce 2022 výstavbu dálnice D1 mezi Říkovicemi a Přerovem. Jedná se o poslední chybějící úsek dálnice D1. Zprovozněním této stavby bude dokončena naše nejstarší, nejdelší a nejdůležitější dálnice.
202 documents
Lanovkou do kampusu v Brně
Městskou hromadnou dopravu v brněnských Pisárkách čekají velké změny. Na cestující v této městské části čeká nová tramvajová smyčka i unikátní lanovka do kampusu.
129 documents
Hlubinné úložiště v Česku
Všechny země, které produkují vysokoaktivní odpady a vyhořelé jaderné palivo, se o tyto materiály musí postarat samy. Hlubinné úložiště je celosvětově považováno za nejbezpečnější způsob, jak zneškodnit vysokoaktivní odpady a vyhořelé jaderné palivo.
154 documents
Letiště České Budějovice
Odletová hala v Českých Budějovicích se v létě loňského roku zaplnila cestujícími, v Jihočeském kraji totiž 2. srpna 2023 odstartoval provoz regionálního letiště. Vše podstatné k spuštění mezinárodního letiště na jednom místě.
39 documents
Mutilados da Guerra Urbana
No documentário “Mutilados da Guerra Urbana”, mostramos que, nos últimos anos, o número de mutilados por arma de fogo ou explosivos no Brasil é semelhante ao registrado pelo exército dos EUA nas guerras do Iraque e do Afeganistão.
18 documents
The New York Times
The Conservative Partnership Institute's deals with insiders
The Times used these documents to piece together the relationships between the leaders of the Conservative Partnership Institute -- a powerful and wealthy right-wing nonprofit -- and the nonprofit's highest-paid vendors.
4 documents
Le Figaro
Les catastrophes naturelles
Les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes ont rythmé, par leurs ampleurs et leurs fréquences, l’actualité de ces cinquante dernières années. « Le Figaro » revient, au travers d’une sélection d’articles d’actualités et de témoignages, sur le bilan.
101 documents
Le Figaro
Les relations franco-chinoises
La France et la Chine entretiennent des relations diplomatiques et commerciales importantes. « Le Figaro » s’en fait l’écho depuis plusieurs décennies. Une série d’articles vous en font revivre les temps forts.
101 documents
Le Figaro
Les émissions cultes de la télévision
Depuis 1945 L’histoire de la télévision française est marquée par d’importantes figures de présentateurs, producteurs, mais aussi des émissions devenues cultes. Les archives du Figaro vous présente une série d’articles sur quelques un d’entre eux.
100 documents
Midi Libre
La Maison Carrée de Nîmes inscrite à l'Unesco
La Maison Carrée de Nîmes est un chef-d'œuvre architectural remarquable de l'époque romaine. Elle a été inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco en 2023 en raison de son importance historique et de sa valeur culturelle exceptionnelle.
133 documents
Les laboratoires Pierre Fabre
Les laboratoires Pierre Fabre ont été créés en 1962 à Castres, dans le Tarn par Pierre Fabre. Le groupe est majoritairement détenu par la Fondation Pierre Fabre à la suite d'une donation faite par son créateur en 2008.
80 documents
Affaire Alègre
Patrice Alègre est un tueur en série toulousain. En 2003, l’affaire Alègre débute quand des disparitions de femmes lui sont attribuées. S’ensuit une série de dérapages dans l’enquête où les noms de plusieurs notables toulousains sont mêlés au dossier
189 documents
Desaparecidos Forçados
O documentário, episódio da temporada 2024 do Repórter Record Investigação, investiga um crime que não está previsto no Código Penal brasileiro, mas que abala famílias principalmente nas periferias de todo o país: o desaparecimento forçado.
11 documents
CNN Brasil
Pesquisas sobre autismo
Levantamento da CNN com dez artigos científicos mostrou o avanço da pesquisa sobre o autismo no Brasil. Nos últimos 10 anos, a educação ganhou foco como meio de inserção e inclusão de pessoas autistas
10 documents
Die Presse
Die russische Wirtschaft unter den Sanktionen
Trotz Sanktionen erwies sich Russlands Wirtschaft seit Beginn des Ukrainekrieges als resilient: 2023 ist sie um 3,6 Prozent gewachsen, 2024 wohl ähnlich stark. Aber sie verändert sich, gerade der Außenhandel. Das beleuchtet diese Artikel-Kompilation.
22 documents
Correio Braziliense
Discursos oficias do presidente Lula em 2023/2024
Discursos oficiais do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
293 documents
The New York Times
MultiPlan White Papers
MultiPlan documents describe how the company's pricing tools, including Data iSight and Viant, work. Over MultiPlan's objections, a federal judge ordered in February 2024 that the records be made public after a petition from The New York Times.
4 documents
Correio Braziliense
CPI sobre manipulação de resultado em partidas de futebol 2023
Conjunto de documentos da CPI sobre manipulação de resultado em partidas de futebol que foi discutida na Câmara dos Deputados em 2023
633 documents
Gazeta do Povo
Lives do Lula: "Conversa com o presidente"
Transcrição de todos os 22 programas "Conversa com o presidente", do governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), em 2023.
22 documents
László Palkovics's Perfect Business in the NER System
Investigative article by László Csaba Horváth, journalist of
10 documents
We Found the State CEO Who Earns Much More Than Orbán
Not content with a monthly CEO salary of five million, since January László Palkovics also draws nearly three million forints as the head of a state company, despite holding several other positions, revealed.
10 documents
The Defense Minister's 1 Billion Disappears
Judit Varga’s wealth was affected by her divorce, János Csák doubled his, Csaba Lantos, the energy minister, has a significant investment portfolio. János Lázár gained land, László Toroczkai profited from a leased road.
10 documents
The Trash King Promised Not to Collude Anymore
The contractor for the bicycle path, part of which collapsed into the Bodrog River between Bodrogkeresztúr and Tokaj, was a company that failed due to cartelization.
10 documents
How Hungarian Banks Profited Big from the Central Bank
In 2023, Hungarian banks made record profits not from lending or deposits, but from high interest rates, mostly at the expense of the Hungarian National Bank's losses. Why didn't depositors share in these high yields?
10 documents
Die Presse
Klimaproteste in Österreich
Klimaaktivisten drängen Regierungen weltweit zu einem rascheren und entschlosseneren Vorgehen gegen die Klimakrise. Waren es anfangs friedliche Massendemos der Fridays For Future-Bewegung, griffen viele zuletzt auf umstrittene Störaktionen zurück.
20 documents
Ditadura militar e as associações negras
965 documents
Ditadura militar e raça
1,714 documents
Ditadura militar e a perseguição a intelectuais negros
1,589 documents
Ditadura militar e o racismo
2,003 documents
Empresas públicas
El derrotero de las empresas públicas. Cuánto gastan, número de empleados, los planes de privatización y las denuncias que salpican a las compañías del Estado.
111 documents
Filhos do Açaí
O documentário Filhos do Açaí, produzido pelo Jornal da Record, traz uma reportagem inédita e chocante, que mostra a situação da população ribeirinha do Pará que se dedica à colheita do fruto, em especial crianças, ainda na primeira infância.
14 documents
Kleine Zeitung
Graz und sein Verkehrsproblem
Nach den gescheiterten Plänen zum Bau einer U-Bahn sucht die wachsende Stadt nach einem neuen Verkehrskonzept zwischen Radwegen und Investitionen in das Straßenbahnnetz.
23 documents
České noviny
Výroční zprávy SZIF
Souhrnný pohled na výroční zprávy Státního zemědělského intervenčního fondu využitý pro zpravodajství s přehledem rozdělování dotací.
23 documents
České noviny
Česká obec sokolská
Informace o hospodaření a činnosti České obce sokolské v posledních 20 letech.
23 documents
Correio Braziliense
Inquérito Marielle Franco
3 documents
SBT News
Os depoimentos de militares e civis na PF sobre tratativas do golpe
A quebra de sigilo foi levantada pelo ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Alexandre de Moraes no dia 15 de março
17 documents
Vivir en Pandemia: Covid, vacunas, dengue y más
De la amenaza del covid-19, el desmanejo de las vacunas, la corrupción del vacunatorio VIP y las nuevas/viejas enfermedades que acechan, como el dengue.
110 documents
Städtebauliche Verträge in Wien
Konvolut zu städtebaulichen Verträgen gemäß Wiener Bauordnung: Artikel, Rechnungshofberichte, Strategiepapiere, Stellungnahmen zur jüngsten Bauordnungsnovelle sowie der einzige bisher veröffentlichte städtebauliche Vertrag zum Projekt Heumarkt
18 documents
Nejpodstatnější informace o energetice v České republice.
13 documents
Krajské volby 2024 v Česku
Krajské volby, kde se rozhoduje o složení krajských zastupitelstev v Česku, se konají každé čtyři roky. Příští jsou naplánovány na rok 2024.
1 document
Volby do Evropského parlamentu 2024 v Česku
7. a 8. června 2024 proběhnou volby do Evropského parlamentu. Volí se 21 europoslanců. Tato sbírka nabízí to nejpodstatnější k volbám.
4 documents
Recyklace a třídění odpadu v ČR
Nejpodstatnější informace k recyklaci a třídění odpadu v České republice.
8 documents
Caso Cecilia Strzyzowski
La desaparición de una joven en Chaco, denuncias de femicidio, un cuerpo que nunca apareció y un poderoso clan piquetero, con vínculos políticos, en la cárcel.
141 documents
Ley Omnibus
Todas las ideas de vueltas del megaproyecto de Reforma del Estado de Javier Milei.
120 documents
Obras emergenciais SP
Documentos obtidos pela redação na elaboração do furo do UOL Prime
324 documents
Midi Libre
Le loup en Occitanie, un sujet complexe et passionnant
La présence du loup en Occitanie est un sujet passionnant, qui touche à la fois à la biodiversité, à la conservation de la nature, et aux défis de cohabitation entre l'homme et la faune sauvage
110 documents
Midi Libre
Attentats de Trèbes et Carcassonne
Les attentats de Trèbes et Carcassonne sont une série d'attaques terroristes qui ont eu lieu le 23 mars 2018 dans l'Aude, en France. Ces attaques ont été perpétrées par un seul assaillant, Radouane Lakdim, un Franco-Marocain de 25 ans
136 documents
Die Presse
Inflation und Teuerung in Österreich
Die Inflation war das bestimmende wirtschaftspolitische Thema der vergangenen zwei Jahre. Den Höchststand hatte die Inflation im Winter 2022/23. Seither konnte die EZB die Teuerung durch drastische Zinserhöhungen einbremsen.
22 documents
Empresas de vigilância digital
Documentos disponíveis em fontes abertas dos governos federal e estaduais com menção a empresas e/ou sócios de sistemas de vigilância digital.
166 documents
Operação Tempus Veritatis
Operação da PF que investiga tentativa de golpe de Estado, cujos principais alvos incluem a cúpula do governo do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro, militares de alta patente e integrantes do Partido Liberal (PL).
6 documents
Cognyte Software Ltd
Declarações financeiras e outros documentos em inglês da empresa israelense Cognyte, responsável pela criação do software de espionagem usado pela Abin, o FirstMile.
285 documents
Rekultywacja po polsku - Soczewka Pisma
It's a collection of mainly responses from various offices to journalist's questions, provided on the basis of the right to public information, and photographs documenting the incorrectly carried out recultivation of a former waste landfill in Poland
300 documents
Midi Libre
Gratuité des transports
Depuis le 21 décembre 2023, les usagers qui habitent sur le territoire de la Métropole de Montpellier n'ont plus à débourser un seul centime pour les transports en commun. Une initiative scrutée par la France entière.
110 documents
Midi Libre
L'affaire Bissonnet
L'affaire Bissonnet est une affaire criminelle qui a eu lieu à Castelnau-le-Lez, près de Montpellier, en 2008. Elle a eu un retentissement national. Jean-Michel Bissonnet a été condamné à 30 ans de prison en 1re instance, à 20 ans en appel.
116 documents
Midi Libre
Le Viaduc de Millau
Le Viaduc de Millau, en France, est le plus haut pont du monde, culminant à 343 mètres. Conçu par l'ingénieur Michel Virlogeux et l'architecte Norman Foster, il a été ouvert en 2004 et traverse la vallée du Tarn dans le Massif central.
130 documents
The Associated Press
Unsealed Federal Court Documents Related to Jeffrey Epstein Lawsuit
These unsealed documents are from a federal lawsuit naming Jeffrey Epstein as a habitual abuser of underage girls and include descriptions of sexual abuse. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673) if you or someone else needs help.
609 documents
Javier Milei
Medidas y disposiciones del presidente Javier Milei
1 document
CPI Pirâmides Financeiras
Relatório final da Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito da Câmara dos Deputados, de outubro de 2023, que investigou operações fraudulentas na gestão de empresas de serviços financeiros, especialmente aquelas envolvidas com criptomoedas
2 documents
Israel Hamas
Telegramas da embaixada brasileira em Tel Aviv e do escritório de representação em Ramala, na Cisjordânia, obtidos por meio da Lei de Acesso à Informação
3 documents
Le Figaro
Les grands discours
Hommes politiques, écrivains, artistes. Des prises de paroles et des textes ont marqués durablement son histoire, et celle du monde entier. Voici une sélection de quelques un de ces moments où la langue française rayonna dans toute sa splendeur.
100 documents
Le Figaro
Comment l’intelligence artificielle transforme nos sociétés
L’intelligence artificielle, soit la volonté de transférer à des machines une partie de l’intelligence humaine, est en train de profondément bouleverser notre rapport au monde. Le Figaro propose de mettre en perspective ces évolutions.
100 documents
Le Figaro
Histoire de la médecine
Retour sur les découvertes majeures de la médecine et ses évolutions récentes, ainsi qu’un panorama des grands défis sanitaires auxquels nous avons été confrontés en temps qu’espèce au cours de l’Histoire.
100 documents
Le Figaro
Le maintien de l’ordre en France
L’évolution des pratiques mais aussi de l’arsenal de la police en terme de maintien de l’ordre en France documentée par « Le Figaro » depuis 2 décennies à travers une série d’articles.
100 documents
Le Figaro
Notre palmarès des villes où il fait bon vivre près de Monaco pour les
EXCLUSIF - Mobilité, commerces, santé, démographie, immobilier, sécurité, loisirs, environnement… Sur la base d'une trentaine d'indicateurs, nous avons comparé la qualité de vie de 28 communes françaises proches de la frontière monégasque.
112 documents
Ours des Pyrénées
La présence des ours dans les Pyrénées suscite un vif débat qui oppose les éleveurs (Ariège, Haute-Garonne et Hautes-Pyrénées), qui les accusent de nombreux dégâts, et les partisans du renforcement de sa population qui veulent éviter sa disparition.
300 documents
Affaire Delphine Jubillar
Delphine Jubillar a disparu dans la nuit du 15 au 16 décembre 2020, à Cagnac-les-Mines dans le Tarn. Son mari, Cédric Jubillar, est suspecté de l'avoir tué et d'avoir fait disparaître le corps de la jeune femme. Il est en prison en attente du procès
512 documents
Correio Braziliense
CPMI dos Atos Antidemocráticos
Documentos da Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito (CPMI) instaurada para investigar oa atos antidemocráticos de 8 de janeiro de 2023. Documentos públicos do Senado Federal.
204 documents
Bookseller Documentary 'BookWars' Text Based Materials
This collection includes a transcript of the documentary (feature version), a unified collection of reviews, and a nonfiction book called '10,000 Miles to Go: An American Filmmaking Odyssey' which outlines the making of the film |
3 documents
The Associated Press
Lewiston, Maine Mass Shooting on Oct. 25, 2023
This collection houses documents acquired through public records requests and official releases from authorities in the aftermath of the Oct. 25, 2023 mass shooting — Maine’s deadliest — that killed 18 people at a bowling alley and a restaurant.
26 documents
Correio Braziliense
Diários da CLDF - 2023
Diários da Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal de 2023
427 documents
El impacto de Javier Milei en las Elecciones Argentina 2023
El fenómeno Javier Milei, desglosado, explicado y cuantificado
100 documents
Guerras en el mundo en 2023: cobertura especial
2023: un mundo en conflicto. Rusia-Ucrania, y la escalación de Hamas. Las piezas premium, a fondo y exclusivas de LA NACION cubriendo estos conflictos internacionales.
113 documents
Las raíces de la crisis económica y política en la Argentina
Argentina, el país que constantemente entra y sale de crisis, algunas muy profundas. ¿Cómo llegamos hasta acá? ¿Cuáles son las raíces? LA NACION lo detalla.
102 documents
Futuro de los medios públicos en la Argentina en la era Milei
El presidente Javier Milei anunció que suspenderá la pauta oficial por al menos un año. El impacto real de esto, explicado a través de nuestra cobertura periodística.
101 documents
Pułapki psychowashingu - studium
The documents collected here are some of the sources used for a long read about self-proclaimed mentors and coaches, including screenshots from their social media profiles (especially considering the number of followers) and price lists of services.
40 documents
Bodenverbrauch in Österreich: Entwicklung und Strategien
Konvolut von Artikeln und Rechercheunterlagen zum aktuellen Stand der Bodenverbrauchs: Gesetzesinitiativen, Strategiepapiere, Zahlen und Fakten zur fortschreitenden Flächeninanspruchnahme, Verbauung und Versiegelung in Österreich. (November 2023)
12 documents
Drohende Verfehlung von Österreichs Klimazielen 2040
Ohne zusätzliche Maßnahmen verfehlt Österreich seine angepeilte Klimaneutralität 2040 bei weitem, prognostiziert ein Bericht des Umweltbundesamts. Doch es gibt Hoffnung. (25. April 2023)
5 documents
El Universal
Las iniciativas de Morena
Analizadas con Pinpoints, los documentos de Morena y aliados en el Congreso de México
115 documents
Slow News
COP28 - Official Documents
Official documents from the UN Climate Change Conference - United Arab Emirates Nov-Dec 2023, COP28.
56 documents
Decisões CGU
9,145 documents
El Universal
Las mañaneras de 2023, bajo lupa
¿De qué habla AMLO todas las mañanas? Pinpoints nos ayuda a averiguarlo.
239 documents
El Universal
Tesis de derecho de la UNAM
Por aquello de las dudas, estas son las últimas tesis de derecho de la UNAM.
160 documents
Trump's Georgia case
Donald Trump is a defendant in a sweeping case in Georgia that charges him and 18 other defendants with a wide-ranging effort to overturn his 2020 election defeat in the state. This collection comprises key documents from the case.
11 documents
Charges against Trump alleging plot to overturn election loss
Key documents in the case charging Donald Trump with orchestrating a plot to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. Trump pleaded not guilty.
10 documents
Trump's classified documents case
Key filings in the case charging Donald Trump with mishandling classified documents. Trump pleaded not guilty to charges that he unlawfully kept classified national security documents after leaving office.
10 documents
New York State vs Trump
Key documents from New York Attorney General Letitia James' civil fraud case against Donald Trump
10 documents
El Universal
Competitividad en los libros de texto
Metimos a Pinpoints los libros de texto de la SEP y no creerás quién es el que personaje que aparece más
103 documents
El Universal
INAI, la piedrita en el zapato de AMLO
EL UNIVERSAL revisó los recursos que el INAI resolvió antes y después de su pausa; gobierno federal, en especial Secretaría de Bienestar, de salud e instancias de Seguridad, las más controvertidas
174 documents
El Universal
El infierno de los migrantes; quejas al INM
EL UNIVERSAL sistematizó quejas al Instituto Nacional de Migración en 2019; este es el resultado
100 documents
The New York Times
Foreign Agents Registration Act filings, 2020-2023
2,274 documents
Affaire Viguier à Toulouse
Suzanne Viguier a disparu le 27 février 2000 à Toulouse. Son corps n'a jamais été retrouvé. Jacques Viguier, professeur de droit, est accusé. Il sera innocenté en lors d'un procès aux assises, en première instance (2009) et en appel (2010).
139 documents
Financial filings by Republicans in swing states
A Reuters review of financial filings found the Michigan and Arizona Republican parties have hemorrhaged money in recent years, undermining their efforts to win back the ultra-competitive states.
17 documents
Immunity grants issued in US bankruptcy cases
Scandals brought down Harvey Weinstein’s movie studio and major opioid supplier Mallinckrodt. But their wealthy owners, directors and executives were granted lifetime immunity from related lawsuits in bankruptcy court, a Reuters investigation found.
69 documents
Hyperloop TT à Toulouse-Francazal
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), entreprise américaine, avait ouvert un Centre de sécurité et de certification à Toulouse sur le site de Francazal pour tester un train du futur capable de se déplacer à plus de 1 000 km/h.
104 documents
Boy Scouts, Catholic Dioceses Bankruptcy Documents
Reuters identified settlements in 23 bankruptcies precipitated by child sexual-abuse scandals that halted current and future lawsuits and forced claimants to seek compensation from a trust.
20 documents
JFK assassination records - 2022 additional documents release
A selection of documents relating to the 1963 assassination of then-President John F. Kennedy, among thousands released on Dec. 15, 2022 following an executive order by President Joe Biden.
17 documents
Jackson Walker bankruptcy cases
Documents relating to a Reuters investigation into disclosure failings by a Texas law firm
11 documents
UK Covid inquiry
A selection of key documents from the independent public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK.
10 documents
Porwania rodzicielskie – Śledztwo Pisma
These are reports and other documents of Polish and European NGOs dealing with the problem of missing children. The collection served as one of the sources for an audio reporting series about cross-border parental kidnapping.
47 documents
Auditorías de la Contraloría - Colombia
Auditorías a entidades públicas realizadas y liberadas por la Contraloría de Colombia entre 2010 y 2022.
5,428 documents
Empresas sancionadas por el Estado desde 2006 - México
Directorio de licitantes, proveedores y contratistas sancionados por los Órganos Internos de Control o que tienen impedimento para presentar propuestas y celebrar contratos. (Actualizado al 27 julio de 2023)
2,178 documents
Contratistas de proyectos de infraestructura de la UPRE - Bolivia
Registros, documentos notariales y estados financieros de las empresas contratistas de la Unidad de Proyectos Especiales, encargada del programa Bolivia Cambia Evo Cumple, entre 2012 y 2021.
1,303 documents
CPMI 8 de janeiro
Requerimentos, relatórios, documentos recebidos, ofícios enviados, termos de classificação de informação e demais documentos da CPMI dos atos antidemocráticos de 8 de janeiro.
5,583 documents
Resoluciones de nombramiento en la Contraloría - Colombia
Resoluciones de nombramiento de cargos en la Contraloría General de la República de Colombia de 2016 a 2023.
9,729 documents
Cédulas de desaparecidos en Jalisco - México
Imágenes con información de los desaparecidos emitidas por la Comisión de Búsqueda de Personas del Estado de Jalisco
2,443 documents
Empresas fantasmas y contratistas públicos en Veracruz - México
Actas de constitución y de cambios administrativos de empresas sin domicilio ni trabajadores en planilla que ganaron contratos con el Poder Judicial en Veracruz por 18.8 millones de dólares.
251 documents
Contratos de la Guardia Nacional - México
Documentación que acompaña a cada contrato realizado por la Guardia Nacional entre 2019 y junio de 2023. Procesos extraídos de la página de compras de México, CompraNet.
1,927 documents
Resoluciones de nombramiento en la Procuraduría 2012 / 2023 - Colombia
Resoluciones de nombramiento de cargos en provisionalidad de la Procuraduría General de la Nación de Colombia durante los últimos 10 años.
35,821 documents
Aeródromos privado - Bolivia
Certificados de inscripción y operación de aeródromos privados emitidos por la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil.
161 documents
The New York Times
Key documents in George Santos's political career and criminal case
Questions about the campaign and business ventures of Representative George Santos have a long papertrail. These key documents help form the backbone of the criminal cases against him.
9 documents
The Associated Press
Maui County body camera video transcripts from the wildfire in Lahaina
This collection contains transcripts from body-worn camera footage collected by Maui County Police on Aug. 8, 2023, as a historic wildfire destroyed the town of Lahaina, Hawaii.
33 documents
The Associated Press
Maui County 911 transcripts from the wildfire in Lahaina, Hawaii
This collection contains transcripts from 911 calls placed by residents of and visitors to Maui County from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 8, 2023 as a wildfire, whipped by powerful winds from a passing hurricane, bore down on Lahaina, Hawaii.
265 documents
Kleine Zeitung
Die steirische Jugend
Was die Jugend der Steiermark bewegt, was sie sorgt und was ihr Hoffnung macht – eine Betrachtung über ein Jahrzehnt.
31 documents
Aborcja w Polsce – reportaż at large
These are the reports and statistical summaries used for the reportage highlighting the problems Polish women face in terminating pregnancies despite meeting the conditions required by law after restrictions of reproductive rights introduced in 2021.
32 documents
The New York Times
U.S. House of Representative annual financial disclosures (2012-2022+)
Annual financial disclosures for members of the U.S. House of Representatives via their financial reporting requirements. No amended reports; files cross 2 separate filing systems -- paper and electronic -- with discrepancies in reporting standards.
7,363 documents
Unrestricted drug trade: 15min reveals how drugs are sold to teenagers
A 15min experiment shows that teenagers can buy different types of drugs from Telegram in just 30 minutes. Experts are talking about a new epidemic in schools, while the authorities are confused and have no idea of the true scale of the problem.
104 documents
Le Figaro
Le terrorisme islamiste
Le terrorisme islamiste a pris une place particulièrement préoccupante ces dernières décennies, au sein du monde arabo-musulman mais aussi occidental. « Le Figaro » vous propose une sélection d’analyses, d’enquêtes et d’entretiens pour comprendre.
101 documents
Kleine Zeitung
​Graz und die U-Bahn
Wie eine wachsende Großstadt sein Verkehrskonzept sucht.
20 documents
Auckland District Licensing Committee: Brownzy Pub
This collection includes witness/objector statements for licence renewal for a well-known Auckland pub at the Auckland District Licensing Committee.
18 documents
Palliative care data in New Zealand
Palliative care data for all New Zealand health territories involving staffing numbers, budgets and access to specialists and services.
15 documents
Nareszcie wolni - Soczewka Pisma
These are the sources (mainly statistical, but also press articles) for the reportage that tries to find out the motivation of Poles who intend to vote for the right-wing Konfederacja party in the parliamentary elections of October 15, 2023.
94 documents
The Archives: in the parlament are former communists and propagandists
The 15min Investigations department has published information about two dozen Parliament members who belonged to the Communist Party. Only two of them provided these biographical facts in the questionnaires for the member of the Parliament survey.
267 documents
Transcripts of NZ election 2023 interviews
A collection of interviews and debates between key candidates and parties in the New Zealand election.
10 documents
Die Presse
Der Turnaround am Immobilienmarkt in Österreich
Der österreichische Immobilienmarkt boomte lange Zeit, bis die Zinswende den Preisanstieg bremste. Steigende Inflation und Mieten sorgten für die Einführung einer Mietpreisbremse. Diese Collection beleuchtet diese Entwicklung und Gesetzgebung dazu.
23 documents
Kleine Zeitung
Die Landtagswahl 2023 in Kärnten
Die (vor-)letzte Hochburg der SPÖ wackelt
28 documents
Kleine Zeitung
Die Koralmbahn
Ein jahrzehntelanges Projekt wird Realität und verbindet den Süden Österreichs
22 documents
The Associated Press
Investigation into 2023 Maui County wildfires
This collection of documents is related to The Associated Press' ongoing coverage into the 2023 Maui County wildfires and the circumstances surrounding them.
99 documents
The Associated Press
Lawsuits filed against New Mexico governor's executive order on guns
This collection houses federal lawsuits filed to challenge New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's Sept. 8 emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days.
56 documents
Clubes de Tiro candidatos
766 documents
Investigações do STF: Jair Bolsonaro, aliados e subordinados
484 documents
New Zealand MP expenses
All spending by New Zealand MPs broken down per quarter 2009-2023.
56 documents
Climate issues survey for 2023 New Zealand election
The collection includes the original responses from five New Zealand political parties (Act, Green, Labour, National and Te Pāti Māori), addressing 16 key climate policies and issues as compiled by Stuff ahead of the 2023 general election.
5 documents
Delfi Lietuva
Three constructions of dubious legality in the resort of Nida
This collection is about 3 cases of construction of questionable legality in the Lithuanian resort of Nida. After all of them were described and disclosed, the authorities took steps to investigate the situation in detail.
129 documents
Delfi Lietuva
Illegal constructions in Neringa
This collection is about illegally built restaurant buildings in Lithuanian resorts Nida and Preila. The owners built several structures without building permits and thereby committed offenses and violated the public interest.
112 documents
Delfi Lietuva
Illegal constructions in Vilnius
This collection contains documents from an investigation into illegal construction in Vilnius city centre. The topic was launched in January 2023. The circumstances of the grandiose construction were investigated.
139 documents
Police callouts to Rotorua and Hamilton emergency housing motels
New Zealand Police callout data to Rotorua and Hamilton emergency housing motels for 2016, 2020, 2021.
2 documents
Documents relating to the discovery of Gold Clams in the Waikato River
This collection includes Ministry for Primary Industries' documents that refer to Gold Clams in the Waikato River in New Zealand since January 29, 2023.
13 documents
Exclusions, suspensions and expulsions in New Zealand
Raw figures showing how many children have been excluded, suspended or expelled from school over the last five years in New Zealand.
11 documents
Gore District Council relationship breakdown
Council documents relating to a relationship breakdown between New Zealand's youngest mayor and council officials.
16 documents
Documents related to the incidence of FASD in New Zealand
This collection contains various Ministry, court, and other documents related to a Stuff Circuit investigation into the treatment of people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in New Zealand.
58 documents
Documents relating to New Zealand's war in Afghanistan
Source documents relating to New Zealand's deployment in Afghanistan, collated by Stuff Circuit for ongoing reporting.
28 documents
Delfi Lietuva
Misdemeanors in Gulbinai quarter
Residential area Gulbinai near Vilnius is the most closed space in Lithuania, which belongs to the business elite. There was a fenced area near Gulbinas lake in Vilnius, so people cannot enter the state-owned forest.
141 documents
Le Figaro
Chine : les nouvelles routes de la soie
Priorité de la diplomatie chinoise sous Xi Jinping, les nouvelles routes de la soie, inaugurées en 2013, sont au cœur de la stratégie économique de la Chine. Cette sélection d’articles vous permet d’analyser plus en détails la conception du plan.
100 documents
Papeles de la dictadura
Al conmemorarse los 50 años del golpe de Estado, CIPER con la colaboración del CIP UDP, presenta esta plataforma de búsqueda online que permite revisar documentos oficiales y provenientes de archivos personales y familiares.
3,586 documents
Estado de Minas
Emendas Parlamentares (1ºsem 2023): deputados de Minas Gerais
A bancada mineira no Congresso inicia o 2º semestre de 2023 com cerca de 73% das emendas individuais impositivas já empenhadas pelo governo federal. O percentual é mais que o dobro da primeira metade de 2019.
15 documents
Revista Piauí
Projeto Querino
O projeto Querino mostra como a História explica o Brasil de hoje. Uma história que talvez você ainda não tenha ouvido, lido ou visto. Nesta coleção estão disponíveis artigos, leis e documentos públicos usados como fonte nos episódios.
122 documents
Fiquem Sabendo
Documentos da Abin sobre a pandemia no Brasil (2021)
Relatórios sobre a situação da Covid-19 produzidos pela Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (Abin) durante o governo do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro. Dados obtidos por meio da Lei de Acesso à Informação.
1,143 documents
Pic na wodę - Soczewka Pisma
These are the sources for the reportage investigating the reasons for the largest ecological disaster on the major Central European river in recent years: the Odra river mass extinction of fishes and other living beings in summer 2022.
354 documents
Estado de Minas
Deputados mineiros e as minorias
Levantamento feito pelo Estado de Minas indica que Deputados Federais de Minas Gerais apresentaram 210 projetos no primeiro semestre. Vinte por cento abordam temas como vulnerabilidade social. Dados do portal da Câmara dos Deputados.
6 documents
Sentencias de tribunales ambientales - Chile
Demandas, reclamos, conciliaciones y consultas de los tres tribunales ambientales encargados de la resolución de conflictos relacionados con el medio ambiente y la protección de los recursos naturales en Chile. Información desde 2014 hasta junio 2023
677 documents
Viáticos de asambleístas - Ecuador
Reportes mensuales de los viáticos nacionales e internacionales desde el año 2015 hasta junio de 2023 de los asambleístas ecuatorianos.
102 documents
Whole Community News
Eugene Springfield Lane County local government public documents
Research tools for civic journalists. Agendas, meeting packets and presentations, minutes for local governments, including city councils, advisory boards and commissions, staff-generated publications. Your contributions welcomed.
2,940 documents
The Associated Press
National Political Party Platforms (1840-2024)
Based on records provided by The American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara, this collection contains just over 110 files outlining political party platforms dating back to 1840.
115 documents
The Associated Press
ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief state plans
Via the American Rescue Plan of 2021, the U.S. Department of Education distributed relief money to elementary and secondary schools in each state and the District of Columbia. This collection contains state-level plans for spending the money.
259 documents
Outorgas da Aneel - Central Geradora Eólica
Esta coleção reúne 718 arquivos de processos de outorga da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL) para empreendimentos de energia eólica instalados em cidades com comunidades indígenas e quilombolas.
718 documents
Contratos da Codevasf (2022 e 2023)
Esta coleção reúne contratos assinados pela Codevasf em 2022 e 2023.
458 documents
Estado de Minas
Cartões coorporativos 2013/16 - Lei de Aceso à Informação
Relação de documentos obtidos pela LAI sobre o uso de cartões corporativos no governo federal para reportagens do Estado de Minas e Portal Uai. A produção desta reportagem usou recursos da ferramenta Pinpoint, do Google.
681 documents
The Associated Press
Documents related to the indictments of former President Donald Trump
This periodically updated collection contains court documents related to indictments against former President Donald Trump that were brought by the Manhattan District Attorney in New York and the U.S. government in the Southern District of Florida.
144 documents
The Associated Press
Bills to restrict gender-affirming care came from conservative models
An AP analysis found that several state laws that restrict or ban gender-affirming care for transgender minors came about not from grassroots efforts or constituents, but from a handful of conservative interest groups that offered model bills.
17 documents
Le Figaro
Opération Barkhane : la France au Sahel
Lancée le 1er aout 2014, l’opération militaire française Barkhane avait pour objectif la lutte contre les groupes djihadistes et salafistes dans la région du Sahel. Le 9 novembre 2022, la France annonce la fin de cette opération après huit années.
100 documents
Minas Gerais: doações da Codevasf em 2021
Esta coleção reúne termos de doações que ocorreram em 2021 e que tiveram como destino prefeituras e entidades privadas de Minas Gerais.
1,190 documents
Doações da Codevasf em 2022
Esta coleção reúne termos de doações da Codevasf publicados em 2022. As doações tiveram como destino prefeituras e entidades privadas.
1,890 documents
Personas atendidas por el presidente 2003/2023 - Colombia
Lista de personas que ingresaron al Palacio de Nariño entre 2003 y abril de 2023 para reunirse con el presidente de turno.
118 documents
The Associated Press
Documents Related to Investigations into Russian influence in 2016
This collection contains documents related to U.S. Department of Justice, special counsel, U.S. Senate and U.S. House investigations into various aspects of Russian influence in the 2016 presidential campaigns and subsequent events.
92 documents
Kaunas city Council members expenses reports 2019-2023
Most councilors reports are very similar - almost all of them reported spending the maximum amount of money. Prosecutors are conducting a public interest investigation into the transparency of the reports of Kaunas City and District Councillors.
763 documents
Doações da Codevasf em 2023
Esta coleção reúne termos de doações feitas pela Codevasf no primeiro trimestre de 2023. As doações tiveram como destino prefeituras e entidades privadas.
778 documents
The New York Times
IRS § 527 tax-exempt Organizations: select nonprofits
IRS filings for five "527" nonprofits with questionable fundraising tactics and business relationships with their officers & directors. Filings include annual Form 990s and ≥ 2 Form 8872s each available year.
154 documents
The Octopus (R.A.)
פרויקט ההנחיות מאי 2023
פרויקט הנגשת ההנחיות בתחומי האכיפה והתביעה. לפרטים נוספים מקור ההנחיות בגופים הממשלתיים ונכון לחודש מאי 2023 נוצר בעזרת
1,041 documents
Correio Braziliense
CPI dos Atos Antidemocráticos — Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal
Atas e documentos da Comissão de Inquérito Parlamentar na CLDF.
151 documents