Pinpoint - רשימות מעפילים
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מעפילים ...List of Prohibited Immigrants Transferred to מ-4857-6 1940 (000z7vo).pdf
63. Beer Sigmund. M. 56 ...
1123 Reininger Zygmunt M. 65 Austrian. 1124 Reininger Sigmund M. 63 German. 1125 Reininger Rosa F. 56 Austrian
מעפילים Duplicate Lists of Illegal Immigrants מ-4857-4 1939 (000z7vm).pdf
Litvak 25 8 Germany 990 Salomon Fortach trann 36 6 991 Natan Besem Welts 19 m 992 Moses Mordechai Seif22 8 993 Sigmund Menzl 58 122
מעפילים Forms P. 252 - Small Boats מ-4891-5 1939 (000z87x).pdf
Present nationality, and how acquired SIGMUND JULIE KNAPP KNAPP FRANKEL SARA FAND ADVOCAT LEYIQE 9. Religion (Czech) PRAG
מעפילים Forms P. 252 - Small Boats מ-4891-6 1939 (000z87y).pdf
APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER OF DEPORTATION. Full name (and aliases) 2. Father's name Theodor Hirschler Kirschler. Sigmund
מעפילים Forms P. 252 - Small Boats מ-4891-8 1939 (000z880).pdf
1. Full name (and aliases) Bela KOULKA 2. Father's name Sigmund 8. Mother's name and maiden name Josefa Oblat 4. Present address in
מעפילים Forms P. 252 Ss Naomi Julia מ-1308-1 1939 (000ypib).pdf
No. D/ 4533/39/CHU 1. Full name ame (and aliases) Rosa Fisher 2. Father's name Sigmund Fisher 8. Mother's name and maiden name
מעפילים Forms P. 252 Ss Naomi Julia מ-1308-2 1939 (000ypic).pdf
1. Full name (and aliases). Margit GROSS 2. Father's name Sigmund Beszofi 8. Mother's name and maiden name ...
Sentence 1 son, Sigmund, 12 ys
מעפילים Forms P. 252 Ss Naomi Julia מ-1308-5 1939 (000ypif).pdf
No. 1. Full name (and aliases) OTTO DENES 2. Father's name Sigmund D. 8. Mother's name and maiden name 4. Present address in Palestine 5
מעפילים Forms P. 252 Ss Tiger Hill מ-1308-8 1939 (000yv29).pdf
תיק מסי מיכל מסי 9/45/68/88 מדינת ישראל משרד ראש הממשלה גנזך המדינה Forms P. 252 Tiger Hill' SS [פס' s'ה' Epa> PZik|ת-גירe![[y[
מעפילים Forms P. 252 Ss Tiger Hill מ-1308-9 1939 (000yv2a).pdf
APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER OF DEPORTATION. Full name (and aliases) 2. Father's name 8. 4. Bedrich STRAUSS Sigmund STRAUSS
מעפילים Forms P. 252 Ss Tiger Hill מ-1308-10 1939 (000yv2b).pdf
מעפילים Forms P. 252 Ss Tiger Hill מ-1308-11 1939 (000yv2d).pdf
Fol. 5, Nro. 30, dem Herrn Sigmund Hecht, Kaufmann und Hausbesitzer in Plan, von seiner Ehefrau Kathi, geb ...
Sex Sigmund
מעפילים Illegal Immigrants Arrested on Ss Hilde on 23.01.1940 מ-1312-6 1940 (000z23y).pdf
DEPORTATION. 1. Full name (and aliases) Margarethe Bachrach 2. Father's name Sigmund Mother's name and maiden name. Rodrig
מעפילים Illegal Immigrants Arrested on Ss Hilde on 23.01.1940 מ-1312-7 1940 (000z23z).pdf
1. Full nar name (and aliases) Margit Kleber 2. Father's name Sigmund Baume 1 Hilon Deutsch 8. Mother's name and maiden name 4. Present
מעפילים Illegal Immigrants Arrested on Ss Hilde on 23.01.1940 מ-1312-8 1940 (000z240).pdf
DEPORTATION. D/838/40/CHU 1. Full name (and aliases) 2. Father's name Sigmund 8. Mother's name and maiden name
מעפילים Illegal Immigrants Arrested on Ss Hilde on 23.01.1940 מ-1312-10 1940 (000z242).pdf
HEADE 1. Full name (and aliases) Otto Rothenstein THE PALEST Sigmund Rothenstein 2. Father's name 8. Mother's name and maiden name
מעפילים Illigal Immigrants Arrested by the Military on 30.06.1939 מ-1310-14 1939 (000yveo).pdf
5. Occupation (state if unemployed) ASHER HARHAMELECH SIGMUND HARHAMELECH ROSA GREENBERG Student Plugab Belas Place of
מעפילים JW מ-4857-12 1940 (000z87p).pdf
REININGER M Sigmund jew Age 634 cors ...
Sigmund SELIG 63 Age Semuan Name Sex Nationality M Travel documents
מעפילים NZ מ-4857-7 1940 (000z7vq).pdf
GOTTLIEB Sigmund 58 Age Religion Place of birth germen Trade or profession Money in possession Documents confiscated Special marks or
מעפילים Orders of Deportation מ-4857-1 1939 (000z7vi).pdf
Ordinance, and in accordance with section 10 (1) (c) of the said Ordinance, I hereby order the deportation from Palestine of Sigmund Sommer who
מעפילים Orders of Deportation מ-4857-2 1939 (000z7vj).pdf
SIGMUND ZUPNIK And I hereby order that the aforementioned person shall leave and remain thereafter out of Given under my hand this
מעפילים Orders of Deportation מ-4857-3 1939 (000z7vk).pdf
Ordinance, and in accordance with section 10 (1) (c) of the said Ordinance, I hereby order the deportation from Palestine of Sigmund Azil Silber
מעפילים Ss 23 מ-4988-2 1947 (000yhzw).pdf
2. Father's name. SARAH HEISLER SIGMUND 3. Mother's name and maiden name 4. Address in Palestine 5. Occupation (state if unemployed)
מעפילים Ss 23 מ-4988-10 1947 (000yi04).pdf
1. Full name (and aliases). 2. Father's name. OSKAR BACK Sigmund 8. 4. Address in Palestine" 5. Occupation (state if unemployed)
מעפילים Ss Astir - Marsis מ-1306-2 1939 (000yhmc).pdf
No. 254 1. Full name (and alias) SIGMUND SCHWARZ JOSEPH SCHWARZ 2. Father's name 2. Mother's name and maiden name PEPI
מעפילים Ss Four Freedoms מ-4948-9 1946 (000ybj3).pdf
MEMORANDUM OF PERSONAL DATA (POLITICAL). 1. Full name (and aliases): 2. Father's name no 70 uf 4. Address in Palestine Sigmund
מעפילים Ss Libertad - Applications for Deportation מ-1312-13 1940 (000z2hq).pdf
1. Full name (and aliases) Sigmund WEINGARTEN 2. Father's name 3. Mother's name and maiden name 4. Present address in Palestine 5
מעפילים Ss Liesel מ-1310-10 1939 (000yvek).pdf
APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER OF DEPORTATION. 1. Full name (and aliases) Ketty Lewy 2. Father's name Sigmund Guth
מעפילים Ss Liesel מ-1310-11 1939 (000yvel).pdf
4. Present address in Palestine 5. Occupation (state if unemployed) Sigmund Erna Mander 8. Place of birth (village or province)
מעפילים Ss Liesel מ-1310-12 1939 (000yvem).pdf
No. D/ 1387/39/CHU 1. Full name (and aliases). Emanuel Margolius 2. Father's name Sigmund 8. Mother's name and maiden name
מעפילים Ss Liesel מ-1310-13 1939 (000yven).pdf
13 תיק מס' מחלקה מדינת ישראל משרד ראש הממשלה גנזך המדינה ין ་ ss Liesel ATHT
מעפילים Ss Milos - Ss Pacific מ-1307-2 1940 (000yosw).pdf
PARTICULARS OF AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. SIGMUND FRANKFURT Age Trade or profession Money in possession 16 student. $3
מעפילים Ss Milos - Ss Pacific מ-1307-6 1940 (000yp5e).pdf
חיק מסי מחלקה מדינת ישראל משרד ראש הממשלה גנזך המדינה ה $/s. Milos sls. Pacific ly:anil pln-int pillyr pulik 'IT's 'oad] אינה מסכי/ות האyפיי•
מעפילים Ss Nicolaus מ-1310-5 1939 (000yvec).pdf
Full names, addresses and occupations of references in country of which he/she is, a national Sigmund Wolf,Jaegerndorf, 48 Smetanast. 18
מעפילים Ss Orion מ-1313-1 1940 (000z2hx).pdf
Full names, addresses and occupations of references in country of which he/she is a national Sigmund Delint Hitra 18
מעפילים Ss Orion מ-1313-2 1940 (000z2hy).pdf
DEPORTATION. 1. Full name (and aliases) Alfred Weiss 2. Father's name Sigmund 8. Mother's name and maiden name
מעפילים Ss Rim מ-1313-4 1939 (000z2i2).pdf
Remarks, and list of attachments Place Date Nose Signature. Appointment. 155 Sigmund Brudi P. 242. No. 1. THE PALESTINE POLICE FORCE
מעפילים Ss Rim מ-1313-12 1939 (000z7i7).pdf
Full name (and aliases) 2. Father's name Sigmund Segal Jankel Segel ...
Vin. 1939 P/e 2279 Appointment. 218 2/1 Sigmund Segall P. 252. No
מעפילים Ss Rim מ-1313-14 1939 (000z7i9).pdf
Full name (and aliases). Max Drechsler Sigmund foster Jetty Sarahand Drechsler. 2. Father's name 8. Mother's name and maiden name
מעפילים Ss Rudnicher מ-1314-14 1939 (000z7v2).pdf
1. Full name (and aliases) E Father's name GEORGES HEGEDUSCH Sigmund 3. Mother's name and maiden name 4. Present address in
מעפילים Ss Rudnicher מ-1314-16 1939 (000z7v4).pdf
מעפילים Ss. Assimi מ-1307-11 1939 (000yphw).pdf
No. D/2045/69/CHU, 1. Full name (and aliases) Sigmund L 2. Father's name Meir 8. Mother's name and maiden name Rosa Weissmann 4. Present
מעפילים Ss. Sakaria - forms No. 1 - 100 מ-5150-1 1940 (000tkjd).pdf
4. Present address in Palestine 5. Occupation (state if unemployed) Sigmund Reininger 6. Place of birth (village or province) 7. Full address in
מעפילים Ss. Sakaria מ-5150-14 1940 (000y9w5).pdf
תיק מס' מדינת ישראל משרד ראש הממשלה גנזך המדינה $/s Sakaria M
מעפילים Ss. Sakaria מ-5150-15 1940 (000ya3v).pdf
D/1583/CHU 1. Full name (and aliases) Sigmund Holzer 2. Father's name Jakob Holzer 11 8. Mother's name and maiden name
מעפילים Ss. Sakaria מ-5150-16 1940 (000ya3w).pdf
Full names, addresses and occupations of references in country of which he/she is a national Dr. Sigmund Fessel, Vienna 13
מעפילים Ss. Sakaria מ-5150-17 1940 (000ya3x).pdf
2324/40/CHU D. 1. Full name: 2. Fathers name: 3. Mothers name: Marie Staerk Sigmund Fresh Anna Stiassny 4. Present address: Atlith Camp 5
מעפילים Ss. Sakaria מ-5150-18 1940 (000ya3z).pdf
8/4/ T/ASP 1487 D/ 2623/40/CHU 1823 Arthur Allina, 111 name (and B1280) 2. Father's names Sigmund Allina 3. Molters's name and maider name
מעפילים Ss. Sakaria מ-5150-19 1940 (000ya40).pdf
מחלקה M 19 חיק מסי מדינת ישראל משרד ראש הממשלה גנזך המדינה s/s. Sararia Polly Fe
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